Credit crunch for SMEs?
"Basel III – regulation or strangulation of banks?" was the topic of the lecture held at the savings bank Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal. The Lower Rhine Regional District of the FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER ASU association of family-run businesses had invited an audience to attend the lecture and more than 30 association members and guests were welcomed by ASU board member Dieter Sander, Managing Director of IsoProfil. Norbert Brenken, member of the board of savings bank Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, then presented his in-depth analysis of this explosive topic. In his roughly 40-minute talk, he pointed out that transparency and information for companies are of crucial importance when it comes to Basel III.
The business graduate highlighted the historical development of the Basel guidelines and illustrated the current and future requirements for credit institutions with easy to understand graphics. Brenken stressed that Basel III would not mean the end to bank loans for small and medium-sized enterprises. However, there is a risk that the kind of long-term financing that has developed over time in Germany could become short-term in the future. Companies would, he said, be required to manage their financing structure in this case.
The highly informative lecture was followed by questions and contributions to the discussion. The evening ended with a flying buffet. Jörg Schwarz press officer of FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER Lower Rhine.