Prototyping through additive manufacturing

IsoProfil creates Future!

Rapid prototyping, 3D printing, additive manufacturing are terms of a mature future-proof technology, which expands the horizon of conventional manufacturing processes. The production of single pieces up to 10.000 pieces is no problem. Seamless manufacturing using 3D printing is possible up to a build volume of 500 x 500 x 500 mm. 3D printing is not a "panacea", but if used in a specific way, it offers the potential to generate new competitive advantages.

In 3 steps to the finished part:

       CAD data → automatic process → part.

Advantages of additive manufacturing

Application examples

  1.     Mechanical engineering: spare parts, single part or mass production, technically challenging and extremely complex components
  2.     Architecture: visualization of optics, functional verification and accuracy of fit of building constructions
  3.     Automotive: maximum design freedom, geometric and functional component assurance
  4.     Aircraft industry: drive screws, lightweight construction
  5.     Aerospace: high-strength components, short production times


IsoProfil enables complex prototypes with the most efficient manufacturing technologies. After a successful test phase, IsoProfil accompanies you all the way to series production.

Your project with IsoProfil:

       Development → Design → Prototypes → Pre-series → Series.

Contact us - we will be happy to advise you and find a solution!

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